Thursday, May 23, 2013

9 things you do not know about your baby's senses!

baby senses
Touch, taste, hearing, sight and hearing, your baby will have all these senses from the first day of his birth. Here's how the evolution of these senses with the growth  development ...
1 - When the fetus reaches his eighth week, Tactility begins to evolve. 
And at the age of  the week 32, The entire body becomes very sensitive, with the exception of his scalp, which cannot be sensitive because of labor.

2 - Your fetus's nose begins to evolve between the 11 and 15 weeks, and will breathe the amino liquid for the next few weeks. This amino  fluid carries 120 different scents, and soon the developing  olfactory will become able to find these odors.

3-  When the fetus reaches his 25th week, he will drink two liters of amino  liquid per day. and what you eat can give this liquid flavor. And the fetus can drink large amount of liquid when you eat sweet food.

fetus4 - At about the 12th week, the fetus will begin to suck his thumb. Will develop a preference for the left or right thumb, which remains with him for life. During the next few weeks, will begin to touch his face, although he does not realize yet that they belong to the body.

5 -The fetus will be able to hear sounds from outside the womb in early up to 16 weeks. And with reaching the 32 week it will be able to distinguish musical tune and move with the rhythm.

6 - Completely non-smoking during pregnancy. It is not only harmful to the health of the fetus, but it gives amino liquid bad odor, It can cause an increase of the fetal heart rate and make him feel anxious.

7 - Evolve a sensing mechanism in his ears daily to help his balance, what it pales learn how to coordinate movements.

8 - Your fetus's eyes  will not open before the 26th week, but he will be able to configure a reaction to light, even when his eyes are closed. Light a lamp on your belly and he'll kick you as a reaction. And his eyesight will continue to evolve after birth. And a newborn child, he will be seen clearly only objects within eight inches.

9 - With the 27-week, fetus will begin distinguish familiar sounds, especially your voice, he will find it very comfortable, so that the heartbeat becomes slower when hears it .

It should be noted that the early years are an opportunity for parents to help their child to grow characteristically. As the condition of the brain form the principle that 'use it or lose'.

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