Saturday, March 23, 2013

Love only can remove your child's anxiety

Love only can remove your child's anxiety A young child- from 1 to 5 years - may suffer from anxiety, but he characterizes the tone of voice of his mother satisfaction and tranquility or anger and annoyance, responds in each case including its convenience, so tell us Dr. Ebtahge Tolba, Dean of Faculty of Kindergarten in Cairo, the most common causes for concern child , and indirect manifestations, and ways to treat it.


1 - The constant threat of child when he did something parents are not pleased with him.

2 - Repeated exposure to the positions of fear and danger, cruelty and violence, to the point where it becomes an anxiety part of his personality, and this happens as a result of the rigors of a parent or hated him.

3 –Moves from the actions of the concerned mother or father .

4 - Repeated failure without finding assisted and guided.


- Easy to cry and abundance.

- Hyperactivity and instability, without a clear goal.

-  Anxiety 
child sleeps soundly, but disturbed sleep abound it to a standstill.

- Less appetite, and often get constipated, and sometimes diarrhea, and perhaps wounded vomit.

- Involves like solicitous.

- Frequent mistakes in his actions, making it exposed to the 
 punishment so the concern arises.

- His hand trembling cold wet with sweat, and the continuation of finger sucking, habit and long nails, or shaking of his body.


The explicit expression of his need for love and compassion, they are the only viable treatment,  With sincere and generous love and appreciation and acceptance of a child ...And allowing for him to be safe and happy... All fear and anxiety will go away.

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