Sunday, April 28, 2013

Simple tips for your home

Dropped Egg

If you dropped an egg on the ground, Spray it immediately with salt and then leave it for several minutes, clean it with towel and you will notice the ease of cleaning.

clean dropped egg


Blender cleaning

put a few drops of dish washing liquid after usage, and then fill it to a half with hot water, turn it on for seconds and then rain it. 
blender cleaning

Iron clothes with a hair straightener
Touch up your ironing job with a hair straighter. It’s great for getting in between buttons and smoothing our minor wrinkles when you don’t have time get your ironing board out. Go for a model with adjustable heat, set it low, and make sure there’s no residue hair product on the straightener first. 
Iron clothes with a hair straightener

Velcro as Toy Storage

nspire housekeeping habits that will stick. Affix the rough sides of a few strips to the wall, and the soft sides to the backs of stuffed animals. The act of putting away toys will gain all-ages appeal.

Stuffed Animal as Bookend

To ensure your child’s favorite books stand at attention: Replace the stuffing with dried beans to weigh down the toy, sew up the opening, and display on a shelf. You'll end up with a sturdy, furry guardian of Goodnight Moon.

Action Figures as Hooks

Use action figures (that aren't seeing action anymore) as Herculean hooks. Position the arms of each toy straight out in front and apply a two-part epoxy (available at home-improvement stores) over the arms, the shoulders, and the torso, following the package directions. The epoxy will make the outstretched limbs strong enough to support clothing, hats, and even towels. Mount a figure on the wall using two screws placed through the torso.

Plastic Drinking Straw as Knot Preventer

For tangle-free jewelry during your travels, unclasp the chain, thread it through a plastic drinking straw, and reclasp. For a shorter chain, cut the drinking straw to the desired length.

tips 6

 Vacuum - Find Lost Objects

I am always dropping small objects like beads and the backs of my earrings on the floor.  A simple way to find small lost objects is by placing pantyhose over the head of the vacuum hose, securing it with a rubber band (so the pantyhose don't get sucked up!), and vacuuming under tables and chairs.  The objects are quickly picked up with out getting sucked away into the vacuum!
Find Lost Objects
Find Lost Objects2

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