Thursday, April 18, 2013

Top 10 health effects of Coffee.

The Coffee is the morning drink for many of us ..Even some feel frustrated and laziness if he could not drink a daily  cup of coffee, and despite the fact that coffee is not a healthy food, but it proved recently several benefits, but that does not mean drinking a lot, multiplicity of coffee increases the stress hormone.

Top 10 health effects of Coffee.

Come together recognize the most important health benefits of coffee:

1- Protect from injury kidney stones:
Recent studies have shown that drinking rate of 4 cups of coffee a day,  protects from the risk of injury  kidney stones.

2- Reduces depression:
Women who drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day are less likely to become depressed.

3- Strengthen memory:
 Recent studies have shown that drinking two cups of coffee a day helps to enhance memory and improve reflexes, and that people over the age of 65, who are accustomed to drinking coffee a day have a better memory than others, And also studies have shown that coffee protects against the risk of Alzheimer.

4- Protects against diabetes:
Recent studies have shown that drinking coffee a day prevents the risk of type II diabetes, and coffee contains minerals as magnesium, which helps the body to produce the insulin hormone which needed to control blood sugar.

5- Reduces the risk of cancer:
Coffee contains a high content of antioxidants, proven to be effective in the prevention of breast, prostate, uterus and liver cancer. Studies have shown that daily coffee intake helps to protect the liver from hepatic fibrosis.

6- Stimulates metabolism:
Recent studies have shown that coffee is one of the most important metabolism catalysts and contain fewer calories unless you add to it some other additions, and a recent study proved that green milled coffee tablets help to reduce the weight and increase the fat burning process.

7- Parkinson's disease:
According to an medical article publication of the American Society of Medicine that caffeinated coffee protects against the risk of Parkinson's disease, and studies have shown that drinking two cups of coffee a day Protects against its infection.

8- Improved performance:
Recent studies have shown that coffee increases the stamina and caffeine where is responsible for it, and it also improves performance and gives a sense of awakening and activity.

9- Antioxidants:

 Recent studies have shown that coffee contains antioxidants ratio more than in the fruit and vegetables so that they help in the prevention of several diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

10- Gout:
Recent studies have shown a link between the use of coffee for long periods and weakness chance of gout caused by increasing the proportion of uric acid, and drinking coffee on a daily basis reduces the chance of your injury.


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