Thursday, September 19, 2013

How to convince your child to wear his glasses

Some children suffer from vision problems, so it's necessary for them to use glasses to help them to see things clearly and comfort, This could be annoying to the child that make him refuses to wear glasses, and here comes the role of parents in encouraging him to wear glasses ..

Dear mother, how to deal with a child if he refuse to wear glasses?

When the child needs to go to the eye doctor?
There are some symptoms that may parents noticed on their child, make it necessary to visit an eye doctor:

  1. When you note that your child is very close to the book when reading.
  2. When you note that your child is trying to close or cover one eye and insist on the use one eye without the other.
  3. When you note that your child finds it hard to see distant objects.
  4. When you note that your child sits too close to the TV.
  5. When you note that your child closes his eyes when looking at distant places.

Then be due to the visit the eye doctor.

But the question is:
Why does my child need to wearing glasses?
The answer is:  In the fact that eyeglasses prescribed for some children who are suffering from vision problems, Such as children who suffer from myopia or hyperopia which sometimes associated with vision deviation cases.

Farsightedness means: that the child can't see close objects clearly, with the ability to see distant objects.
 Myopia means: that the child can't see distant objects clearly, with the ability to see close objects.

As it known, the eye doctor is the only one who can find if the child need to wear glasses or not, The child must be wearing these glasses and the parents should not be careless.
That the child is not wearing his glasses cause a serious consequences, such as reduced child's eyesight and vision decline over time, due to negligent treatment from the beginning.

But why some children refuse to wear "vision correction glasses" ?

There are many reasons to make child refuses to wear glasses vision correction, and parents should take all these reasons into consideration, and the most important of these reasons include the following:

  1. The glasses are uncomfortable or inappropriate.
  2. Some glasses may be small size, does not fit the child's face, and hurt him behind his ears or on the side of the head, or may be large-size glasses so that slides out from the child's nose permanently.
  3. The child may feel that wearing glasses makes him different from the others, and this may cause psychological and social isolation.
  4. Some children feel upset just because there is something that is not used to on their faces, and these kids need a time to get used to wear glasses.

How can I convince my child to wear his glasses?

Parents should try hard to convince their children to wear glasses, by the next:

  1.  Linking between wearing glasses and a fun activities for children like going to the park or watch a movie or a stroll, If a child take off the glasses during the activity, the mother should stop it.
  2. Parents should be alert not to make it turn into a battle between them and the child, Because the child will be the winner, Parents can not force their child to wear glasses if he is not satisfied, or at least get used to it.
  3. It's okay for parents to ask the school teacher to help them in convincing the child to wear glasses, And if his colleagues in the class wearing glasses, that'll encourages the child to wear the glasses.
  4. The child who wears glasses could face some problems of the children's comments around him, and here comes the role of teachers in educating children that must be respected their colleague feelings, And clarify that it is not a shame to make fun of him.

In conclusion, parents should encourage their son and help him through dialogue to overcome this problem.

I think they are beautiful in glasses... aren't they?
Topic link:

Also read:
  1. Ways to succeed in persuading your child
  2. How to motivate your children
  3. 17 Kid-Friendly Breakfasts
  4. 19 Healthy Snacks for Kids
  5. Essential Nutrients for Kids  A to Z
  6. The correct specifications for children toys
  7. Love only can remove your child's anxiety
  8. Teach your child the Arranging  

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