Monday, April 8, 2013

Fat loss factor’s 15 foods for guaranteed weight gain

Limit these weight-gain foods to three servings or less per week.
1. Doughnuts, Pastries
Fat loss factor

These are some of the worst foods you can eat. They are deep-fried, made with refined sugar, and full of saturated fats/trans fats. They have a negative nutritional value and not only make you fat but also destroy your health. No wonder donuts have a hole in the middle; they are a big nutritional zero.

2. French Fries, Potato Chips

Fat loss factorThese are sodium-loaded, enzyme-dead foods. In addition, the latest research shows they are high in acrylimide, a known cancer-causing agent. French fries from fast food restaurants have 300 times the
acrylimide content allowed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for one glass of water. This meansthey are highly toxic to your body, as well as fatty, with a medium order of fast-food fries containing
more than 500 calories.

3. Store-Bought Juice, Fruit Drinks
Store-bought fruit drinks contain 10% or less real fruit juice and mainly consist of artificial flavoring and sugar (sucrose). If they contain sugar, corn syrup, or high fructose corn syrup, run the opposite way; these will
surely rot your teeth!

4. Decaffeinated Coffee
The caffeine in decaffeinated coffee is replaced by formaldehyde. Yep, you read that right: formaldehyde. The stuff they put in dead people. Stay away at all costs.

5. Fried Fish, Fried Seafood

Fat loss factorFish made the list, because the majority of the fish in the ocean now have traces of mercury in them. Shellfish are also scavengers that scour the ground for anything and everything. They are full of toxins.
When we eat them, what happens to all the toxins?

Your body shuttles the toxins to your fat cells. Remember: If your fat cells are holding onto toxins, the fat becomes extremely difficult to get rid of. Frying adds insult to injury, making these foods full of trans fats
and not a great combination for healthy weight loss.

6. Raw Clams, Oysters
Similar to above. Eating them raw also means you are exposing yourself to potentially harmful bacteria.7. Lunch Meat, Smoked Meat, Hot D

7. Lunch Meat, Smoked Meat, Hot Dogs, Bacon, Sausage
These are all processed meats and not quality meat. They are a mixture of fillers, sodium, and nitrites used to cure meats and preserve them. A strip of bacon contains 130 calories and 13 grams of fat. That is too
much! Nitrites have been shown to be carcinogens. Too much sodium leads to heart disease, and the fillers are synthetic chemicals that are hard on the digestive system.

8. Alcohol
Alcohol actually suppresses fat burning. When you drink alcohol, your liver has to detoxify it immediately. This takes priority over carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Since fat is the hardest to metabolize and break down, it gets pushed down the chain.
When most people drink alcohol, they usually do so with a meal, taking in the excess calories. Alcohol has the second highest calorie content next to fat, with seven calories per gram versus nine calories per gram,
respectively. When alcohol is in your system, your body will convert
more of the foods you eat into fat.

9. Soda
Pop is a major contributor to obesity in this country. Studies show that drinking soda increases the risks of diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, tooth decay, caffeine dependency, and nutritional deficiencies. The
major ingredients in soda are:
Phosphoric Acid: Mixes with the hydrochloric acid of the stomach and interferes with digestion. It is also responsible for leeching minerals out of the bones.
Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup: Sugar in liquid form is dangerous because so much can be consumed in so little time, sending the body into a blood sugar frenzy. When insulin levels
spike, fat burning ability plummets. This leads to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, premature aging, heart disease, and, of course, weight gain.
Tap Water: Contains various chemicals, such as chlorine, trihalomethanes, lead, and cadmium, which are very detrimental to your health.
Studies show that people who drink sodas do not cut back on the regular foods they eat. This adds at least 200 calories a day, or 1,400 calories per week, to their intake!

10. Diet Pop, Diet Drinks
Diet drinks give you all of the drawbacks of drinking pop, plus artificial sweeteners, which have been shown to alter brain chemistry, increase cravings, and cause cancer. The main artificial sweetener used is aspartame. It has over 92 related health effects to it including:

  • Brain tumors
  • Birth defects
  • Diabetes
  • Emotional disorders
  • Epilepsy/Seizures

Anything with this many life-altering side effects is worth staying away from. There have been entire books written on the dangers of aspartame. If your search the Internet, you can find hundreds of research articles on this subject. Diet pop will cause you to crave more food, even though it contains no calories. In the end, you will poison your body and still not lose weight.

11. Deep Dish Pizza

Fat loss factorPizza is one of my favorite indulgences. Unfortunately, it is far from
healthy, especially if you order the meat lover’s version, which is a smorgasbord of processed meats: sausage, pepperoni, ham, Canadian bacon, and bacon.
In addition, pizza is full of sodium, fat, and refined flour dough. This makes for a high-calorific meal that you might as well just pack straight onto your thighs.

Fat loss factor12. Ice Cream

Ice cream is loaded with calories, fat, sugar, and dairy, which contain lots of hormones and

antibiotics. Ice cream is close to the top when it comes to being the most unhealthy food. It also contains artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, emulsifiers and stabilizers. All of these make ice cream one of the most fattening foods on the planet.

13. White Bread, Pasta
White bread and pasta react in the body like white sugar, which is refined and processed, with no nutritional value. Bread gets a bad rap for putting weight on people. It really isn’t the bread, however, it is the type of bread. White bread is made from white flour, which is a refined carbohydrate, just like corn syrup and white sugar.
This contains NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE AND EMPTY CALORIES. Whole grain breads are fine. Sprouted grain breads are the best, such as Ezekiel brand bread or Genesis brand bread. Stay away from breads that are enriched, bleached, or white in color. Eat more whole grain

14. Sugary Breakfast Cereals, Candy
These cereals are a great way to poison America’s youth and have them start out their day with barely any nutrition at all. Cereal is mostly white sugar in a box, but it has vitamins! That is the joke, and equally great advertising. The truth is that the quality of the vitamins listed on the cereal box is poor.
Basically, any major brand of sweetened cereal is simply vitamin fortified sugar. If you buy cereal, look on the ingredients label for whole grain and avoid white flour or high-fructose corn syrup. Buy brands,
such as Kashi since they tend to be on the healthier side and contain more fiber.
Candy is straight sugar and some fat. This will go right into your
bloodstream, mess up your hormone levels, and sabotage your fatburning capability for a few hours.

15. Vegetable Oil, Shortening, Margarine
These aren’t substances you would actually eat alone. They are used in fried foods and baked goodies and contain trans fats. Trans fats will not only cause you to gain massive amounts of weight, but they also lead to
rapid aging, cause joint inflammation, followed by arthritis, and predispose you to heart disease, cancer, and other diseases of lifestyle (self induced diseases).


Dr. Charles

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