Monday, April 29, 2013

Pregnant Mental relaxation techniques

 Mental relaxation

Many symptoms appears in some women during pregnancy, to know the cause of excess nervousness, loss of concentration and tension as a result of stress, so dear pregnant organize your time better allows you to take several periods of rest on a daily basis whenever you get the chance.
Has not been scientifically proven yet that long naps are required during the pregnancy, but is sufficient for you to relax for a quarter of an hour several times during the day where notify actively uncharacteristic.

There are steps to help you to relax, and effect will be like magic to provide you with very active after a few minutes:
  1.  Arrangement the bed and comfortably pillow.
  2.  Relax sitting or lying comfortably in bed.
  3.  Close your eyes.
  4.  Take a deep breath and slowly count to five then take out air after that.
  5. To expel any disturbing thoughts try to focus in restoring the beautiful memories and demand happy and playful ideas, this means you will develop your ability to imagine giving your body the ability to relax. This will help both of pregnancy and childbirth. As a general rule do not wait until your body complains of excessive pain due to the accumulation of fatigue before they become most pain. Listen to your body even and rely to rest whenever you get the chance. You should note that the principle of relaxation does not mean relaxing only physical but also mental.
  6. Close your eyes and the imaginary scene quiet and comfortable like a large green field and beautiful flowers, and has a clear sky or a view of the sea and pacific blue color (blue color that is known to help relax).
  7.  Sure, you now will feel that your temper his vice and that your mind quiet.

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